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Área de Sistemas Ferroviarios (ASF)
Centre/Institute/Faculty: ICAI-IIT
University: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Main Focus Area: 5, Energy and sustainability
Main SubFocus Area: Transportation and mobility
No. of PhDs: 8
Total members: 13

Brief description
The Railway Systems Area (ASF) is a multidisciplinary research group dedicated specifically to the railway industry. It consists of faculty and researchers from the Institute of Technological Research (IIT).
The ASF’s primary area of activity consists of developing advanced, customised models and applications to optimise different aspects of railway systems:
– Traffic planning and operations
– Energy efficiency
– Signalling design
– Electrical design
– Safety analysis and project quality control
– Energy remote control.
The railway industry is in full expansion and technological renovation. This requires agilely updating lines of research and the techniques used: simulations, optimisation, assisted design, system integration, decision theory, automatic regulation, Artificial intelligence and safety techniques and software reliability.
ASF applies these techniques to research projects in collaboration with rail administrations and industry with both public and private financing.
ASF’s research activity complements the teaching activity carried out within the University Master in Railway Systems taught in collaboration with the industry’s leading companies.